Gen AI for Dynamic Product Ads

Supercharge the marketing effectiveness of your product feed
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How does it work?

Just upload your product feed and then drag the AI Copy onto the canvas

AI Title

Let's face it, your product tiles are messy. They're too long, have too many weird characters, and aren't good for advertising. AI title automatically re-writes your messy title and transforms it into easy to read ad copy. You can even link it up to the headline or post copy within Ads Manager.

AI Description

Product descriptions are great for store pages and SEO but they're not exactly ideal for ad copy. AI description cuts out the filler and turns your product info into something quick and easy to understand. You can also dynamically link it to the post copy within Ads Manager.

AI Value Prop

Have you ever wanted a robot copy writer that would come up with brand new messaging for everything in your store? Well now you have one. AI value prop uses your feed info to seamlessly comes up unique messaging for every SKU.

AI Testimonial

Everyone wants to include product reviews in their feed but its a massive technical undertaking to make that happen. Not anymore! AI testimonial will write a custom product review for each item in your feed. It even pays attention to the gender and age that the product is meant for.

Sign up to upload your feed and try it for free